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Developing apps for a Station Duo

I am trying to develop an app for the Station Duo that will have parts running on both the customer- and merchant-facing displays. The customer-facing portion will need to display ui elements and accept customer input and be aware of the current order in the Register app. The two parts, merchant- and customer-facing, of the app will need to be able to communicate with each other.

I have a few questions about this:

  1. says to use the Customer facing platform and the Pay Display framework to build apps for the customer-facing terminal. This is the only information I've found so far on Pay Display:
    That seems to be for semi-integration, which I don't think is what we need. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If this isn't the recommended approach for customer-facing Station Duo apps, what is?
  2. Is using Intents.ACTION_KEYPAD still the approach needed to bring up the keyboard on the customer-facing display?
  3. Is the issue mentioned in this question still relevant for the Station Duo?
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