
todd-w-ark avatar image
todd-w-ark asked lisawindy907 answered

Reflect modifications in order total


To add 4 modifications to a single line item on an order. 2 of those modifications have a price attached. (See image below)

Except the OrderTotal does not reflect the cost of the modifications. If you view the receipt it does show it. But then, when you go to pay the order, it uses the pre-modificaions total. I even tried overriding the amount_paid in the "{order_id}/pay"

Is there some flag I need to pass in the order pay to get it to honor the adjustments to the order total made by the line item modifications?



1636568678010.png (156.1 KiB)
1636568700235.png (132.7 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

I would highly recommend you look at using our atomic order endpoints to create orders -

If you manually add modifications after order creation or are using or non-atomic endpoints you are responsible for correctly updating the order total -

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jaske09 avatar image
jaske09 answered

It is from my understanding that merchants in the US have the option on their device to charge the customer for the credit card fee normally charged to the merchant

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lisawindy907 avatar image
lisawindy907 answered

The mechanic known as "reflect" makes an effect work not just on its target but also on its source. io games

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