
paulryan avatar image
paulryan asked David Marginian commented

Payment approved but no response received.

Hi David,

Working on issue in which my client has 180 clover mini, semi-integrated through USB pay and display, we completed their semi-integration in 2019. The clover integration has been very stable and robust for the past two years. But in the last 4 weeks about 20 of the stores are having the below issue

Where a transaction is sent to the clover mini the device receives the approval from the clover host. but the epos doesn't received the sale response from the clover mini.

As the Epos is awaiting for the sale response and doesn't receive it the Epos freezes.

At this point the epos needs to be restarted to recover. Once the epos is restarted the staff member can now restart the transaction but as the clover mini has already got the approval for the transaction. Some customers are getting charge twice.

I've attend 1 of site in pass few days, check that correct Clover SDK is installed plus to check the windows firewall rules to ensure the application is not be block on incoming connection private or public network connection.

1st site this issue was happen 10 to 15 times a day I attend site on 26/10/2021 and found the clover SDK was removed but the USB drivers were installed. Therefore I reinstalled the Clover SDK as administrator and create my windows firewall rules to allow outgoing and incoming for the clover SDK.

The issue has only happen once since my visit to site, As this is only been report from only 20 stores out of 180 semi-integration.

Have you came across an issue like this before with any other .net integration ?

USB Pay Display
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Hi Paul,

Does your POS have any logging that you can look at to see if the POS -> device is disconnecting in the middle of the payment? Regardless of what is happening the POS should not be locking up and requiring a restart. It is important that your POS be written in a robust manner that can recover from scenarios like this, please read through and implement our best practices - If you can provide me with more specifics (SDK version, merchant ids, devices, time of issues, logging on your end, etc) we can look into this issue in more detail.

10 |2000

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paulryan avatar image paulryan commented ·

Hi David,

Log isn't great but please see the below

Latte Medium TA €3.80

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:53.128 PaymentScreen:

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:53.128 No of Items 1

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:53.128 TOTAL €3.80

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:53.128 PROMOTION €0.00

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:53.128 SUBTOTAL €3.80

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:53.128 TO PAY: €3.80

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:54.849 OnButtonClick: btnMOP_2, Card

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:54.849 State Change from PaymentScreenState to AutoEFTState

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:54.849 DPOSSQL.Services.EFT.Clover.Transaction

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:55.490 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:55.693 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:55.912 Clover state change - Message: Customer is choosing payment method….

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:55.974 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:30:56.224 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

I don't believe clover device is disconnecting,

I'm working on create better logging at the moment.

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paulryan avatar image paulryan paulryan commented ·

Please see the successful transaction log

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.593 PaymentScreen:

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.593 No of Items 4

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.593 TOTAL €16.15

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.593 PROMOTION €0.00

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.593 SUBTOTAL €16.15

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.593 TO PAY: €16.15

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.859 OnButtonClick: btnMOP_2, Card

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.859 State Change from PaymentScreenState to AutoEFTState

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:55.859 DPOSSQL.Services.EFT.Clover.Transaction

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:56.546 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:56.734 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:56.921 Clover state change - Message: Customer is choosing payment method….

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:59.286 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:28:59.552 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:00.552 Clover state change - Message: Processing Mastercard ending in 7085….

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:02.211 Clover state change - Message: Processing Mastercard ending in 7085….

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:02.836 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:05.685 Clover state change - Message: Processing….

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:06.310 Clover state change - Message: Customer is selecting receipt type…, State: ReceiptOptions.

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:06.982 Confirm Dialog message: Cardholder Receipt Required? result: No

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:06.982 DPOSSQL.Services.EFT.Clover.NoReceipt

T1 29/10/2021 12:29:07.107 Required Payments Complete

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paulryan avatar image paulryan paulryan commented ·

SDK Version is

4.0.2702 14/08/2019
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