
michaelcramer avatar image
michaelcramer asked racheladmin Deactivated edited

Cloud Pay Display - able to capture email addresses?

The Fresh Market has a payment terminal that asks customers for an email address just once, and then automatically emails receipts for all subsequent purchase without having to request the email address each time. Might the Cloud Pay Display app be configured similarly to store email addresses (linking them to card numbers) or pass the data to an external POS (Springboard in our case)?

Remote Pay Cloud
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1 Answer

michaelcramer avatar image
michaelcramer answered

Mark, thanks for your response! Appreciate your help on this issue.

Are the actions that you recommend we undertake to obtain the OrderId and with it the customer's email address available to us, the merchant, or only the POS vendor, which in our case is Springboard Retail?

Looking forward to your reply. Thank you again!

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