
Omar Reyes avatar image
Omar Reyes asked racheladmin Deactivated edited

How to add payment to a partially paid order?

I'm working with this semi-integration browser sdk

How do we add a second payment to a partially paid order so a customer can pay the remaining amount? Or do we have to create a new order for the remaining amount?

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Omar Reyes avatar image Omar Reyes commented ·

Thanks for the quick reply. I know how I would add a new payment through the clover "Orders" app but I can't find the way to add a second payment through the browser sdk. Do you have any examples on how to do this so I can reference?

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Omar Reyes avatar image Omar Reyes commented ·

I looked through these examples, specifically the testSale example here but it doesn't explain how to add a second payment after the first partial payment for the same order.

Sophia mentioned that we should complete the sale and issue a second sale for the remaining amount but this results in another order being created (new order id). I don't know if or how to pass the order id as part of the sale request to add payment

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