
shubham avatar image
shubham asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

Create a payment record on an order but Employee not getting update

I'm creating a payment record on an order with a passing employee id parameter but while I'm checking the Transactions - Payments page it is not showing an updated employee name. It shows the default/old employee name.

Passing employee parameter like this.
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

Have you tried updating the employee on the order? You will need to call the update order endpoint to do so (the employee won't get set on the create call). I am not 100% if the employee from the order will be transferred to the payment but it is something to try.

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shubham avatar image
shubham answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

I've tried to update employee through the update order endpoint but that's doesn't help me out in the payment page. The payment page still shows an old employee. @david

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Ok, I am guessing this isn't possible. I think the payment will always be associated with the owner employee (the employee that installed the app).
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