
aarongilbert avatar image
aarongilbert asked David Marginian commented

Support Timelines for Remote Pay SDK

Hi, After looking at we can see you plan to depricate all Remote Pay SDK's and have them replaced with a new API. Are you able to advise me what API this and if you are still on track with these timelines?

Remote Pay Windows
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

The chart on the page can't be accurate. We don't have a replacement for the 4.x SDKs so they can't be deprecated. I will try to get someone to look at it.

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aarongilbert avatar image aarongilbert commented ·
Thank you David
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aarongilbert avatar image aarongilbert commented ·
Hi David, Did you manage to find anything else on this?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ aarongilbert commented ·

I confirmed that it is not accurate. But, I don't have any updates on when we will get it updated. My advise would be to tell clients to use the latest 4.x SDKs, and yes at some point they will be deprecated but that isn't now and they certainly won't be unusable in the 2nd quarter of 2022.

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