
prav avatar image
prav asked Richelle Herrli rolled back

Webview for clover payment

Can webview in android be used for clover payment for a card? Currently have a web interface which merchants can use to sell cards. Can I use the webview to complete this payment which goes through Clover web ?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

You should be able to get that to work assuming you aren't planning on doing this on a Clover device (which I can't think of a use-case for anyway).

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prav avatar image
prav answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

ok thanks. there is no clover restriction on this correct coz the payment is happening through webview?It works currently- was thinking more about the approval

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I assume you would be using our iframe, correct ( You would tokenize the card with the iframe and then ideally you would be passing the token to your server and completing the payment with the token there.

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prav avatar image
prav answered

yes using the clover iframe for payment on the web

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered Richelle Herrli rolled back

This is technically feasible but is not allowed for Clover Android apps, i.e. Android apps that are run on Clover devices. Using a webview to enter in card details on device would interfere with Clover's device PCI compliance, even if you're using the Ecommerce iFrame integration.

ETA: It is unclear from the question whether you're talking about taking payments via webview on a Clover device or an unrelated Android device. If the payments are being made via a non-Clover Android device, making payments using Ecommerce through a webview is acceptable.

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