
lisatak avatar image
lisatak asked lisatak answered

Permissions on developer dashboard not matching permissions on emulator/devkit

In the developer dashboard I set permissions so that the app could read and write inventory data.


When I go to preview in app market, the permissions match what was set on the dashboard.

But in the More Tools app on the emulator and devkit, the permissions do not match and does not allow for modifying inventory data.


How can I get the permissions to match what was set on the dashboard? I've tried uninstalling the app, uploading a new apk, and installing the app again, but that didn't work.

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lisatak avatar image
lisatak answered

Update: Got everything to work. Still not really sure how. Had to uninstall and reinstall the app many times. Also uploaded a new apk version. Uninstalled it directly from the devkit and had to make sure it wasn't installed anywhere else.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered lisatak commented

You need to uninstall and reinstall the app from the Clover dashboard.

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lisatak avatar image lisatak commented ·


Uninstalling it from the Clover dashboard would mean hitting this uninstall button correct? I've done so, but I'm still seeing the app in the Installed Apps page in the More Tools app on my emulator.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ lisatak commented ·
That is correct, hit that button and then re-install from the dashboard.
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lisatak avatar image lisatak David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
And by reinstalling you mean click on "Connect", correct? I've tried that but it's as if the dashboard just isn't syncing with the emulator. Do I need to do anything to get my emulator up to date?
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