I want to add specific item in the inventory to a label. Currently we are using following code to achieve this.
For create a Tag
Which successfully created a tag in inventory. Now i want add this tag to an item :
How can I add a label (tag) to an item? Please help me with some sample code snippets.
Thank you
For create a Tag
tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(tagName); tag = inventoryService.createTag(tag, resultStatus);
Which successfully created a tag in inventory. Now i want add this tag to an item :
List<Tag> tagList = new ArrayList<>(); tagList.add(tag); newItem.setTags(tagList); newItem = inventoryService.createItem(newItem, resultStatus);Which created the item, But label not added to that item.
How can I add a label (tag) to an item? Please help me with some sample code snippets.
Thank you