
nassiralawar avatar image
nassiralawar asked tralawar answered

Any way to get credit card account number on all platforms?

We are trying to capture the credit card account number to verify a loyalty/gift card (acts like a discover card) and I saw this post (link below) but from my understanding that does not work on all clover devices, only mini and mobile. Is there a way to do this on the other platforms, specifically the clover station? Are there any alternatives to the clover secure pay app that could handle the intent? The goal is to display the balance on the card and then continue on to processing that payment once they've seen how much is on the card. We would like to accomplish this in a single swipe.

Thanks for the help

Clover Android SDK
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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

You want the actual cardholder data or something else?

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nassiralawar avatar image nassiralawar commented ·

I believe the credit card number would be easiest since that is what the database lookup uses to fetch the balance on the card. Any unique data should work as long as we can easily add it to the database when the card is activated

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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

Why don't you utilize the customer as an ID, since you might be able to bring him up if he has already paid with that card. I believe (mods correct me if I'm wrong) but actual cardholder data is off limits (including MSR data etc)?

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nassiralawar avatar image nassiralawar commented ·

The issue is that these cards are handed out then the customer goes to our website to activate them and they are loaded with a predetermined amount. We need a piece of data that we can match from the card and what they enter at activation time to check the balance on the card. Usually these cards have less than $20. This has caused an annoyance since when a customer goes to pay sometimes they're not sure what is left on the card so the card gets declined if they go over. We would like merchants to be able to see the card balance first then continue with the payment in a single swipe

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nassiralawar avatar image nassiralawar commented ·

Any developer able to help?

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1 Answer

tralawar avatar image
tralawar answered
Hi @Sam

I am working with Nassir on a clover app.

Our cards are standard Discover cards. We run on the standard credit card backend. They are just private labeled for the end user. Otherwise, it's a Discover card. We can also use the Visa environment as well.Can't any Clover Station could do a split transaction with an open network gift card.
Our goal is to have the cashier swipe the card for a $10 purchase. If the card has $9 on it. The cashier can give the customer the option to either processor remaining $9 and pay $1 another form using the first swipe, or cancel the transaction. What we don't want is for that transaction to be rejected.

At the very least we'd like to be able to access card number without being charged the Clover swipe fee so we can cross reference the number in our own database before moving on with the transaction. Is this possible using any of the Clover Platforms?

Thank you for your time,
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