
twoducks avatar image
twoducks asked twoducks commented

Is a private custom webapp against the terms of service

As I read through several threads in the forum I am beset by doubts. We just joined Clover today, however our use of Clover is contingent on us being able to write our own online sales website that uses the Clover APIs for inventory, payment, orders, and customer management. I would like to think that this can be done without requiring I go through any approvals process since it is for no one else's use but ours, however I am starting to get the feeling that this is against the terms of service.

Is this a valid use case or not? If we cannot run our own website without requiring we jump through hoops and wait weeks, if not months, for approval then I fear Clover is not for us.

I have seen one or two messages that give me some hope, that I can just use a merchant token and not worry about any of this, however I need to be certain.

Thanks for any help!

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered twoducks commented

You can use a merchant token in a case like this, however, there are some caveats:

1) Certain features (mainly webhooks) require an app. If you need webhooks you will need to submit an app.

2) Merchant tokens are more severely rate-limited than OAuth tokens. In your case (customer's making requests from your site) this may be a problem.

If you do need an app, even though you will still have to submit the app, etc. I don't believe our process takes as long because the app is for your use only. For more information you should contact

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10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

twoducks avatar image twoducks commented ·
Thanks for the clarification. The rate limiting will unlikely be a problem initially; it is a new site and I will be making heavy use of caching. As we grow I will have plenty of time to submit the app and work through the process -- I was mostly concerned about delays getting up and running as quickly as possible.

Many thanks for the very rapid response!
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