
dwelsh360 avatar image
dwelsh360 asked dwelsh360 commented

Remote Pay API docs


Is there any documentation around using the actual clover endpoints to run payments on the terminal? We would prefer to not use the provided sdk's or npm modules, is that possible?

Use case: Clover mini installed at client location, payments initiated from a back end server that is off premise.


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dwelsh360 avatar image dwelsh360 commented ·

They are not really compatible with the framework that we have. It could work, but writing directly to the API's would be much better for us.

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dwelsh360 avatar image dwelsh360 commented ·

HI Mark,

NPM is an issue because we don't currently use it and installing additional software will create issues for us in terms of support and troubleshooting as it's outside of our application. We can probably get the SDK to work but I can't seem to find any examples of using the SDK with the Cloud Pay Display app. The SDK seems skewed towards USB or web sockets connecting directly to the device. Hopefully I'm wrong and I'm just missing something here.


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