In POS, some case the total amount may be splited into 2 payment like card 1 some amount and card 2 balance amount, in this case i have to process 2 payment in single click from our sample SDK application to Clover. How can i do that?
For example the total amount is $10, customer like to pay the amount using 2 cards like 7$ and 3$. i have to pass these 2 values in single click
Card1payment(string amount1);
Card2payment(string amount2);
I have 2 methods
Card1payment(string amount1)
Auth(null, Convert.ToInt64(amount1));
Card2payment(string amount2)
Auth(null, Convert.ToInt64(amount2));
If i pass the value in above methods it will work for card1payment only.Please help me to fix the issue.
I hope you understand my problem.
Thanks Guna