
jeff-davies avatar image
jeff-davies asked jeff-davies commented

Looks like a bug in the Clover API V3 docs

This is related to a question I had a few days ago. If you look at the docs for a merchant's orders for a date range, the URL that is generated by the V3 API docs is incorrect when you specify a date range. Here is a link to the specific method in the docs:

Add 2 filter params for the clientCreateDate. Here are valid dates for the start and end of Jan 17th:

Jan 17, 2017 at midnight: 1484640000000
Jan 17, 2017 1 sec before midnight of the next day: 1484726399999

The API generated by the V3 docs is as follows:{my merchant id}/orders?filter=clientCreatedTime>=1484640000000&filter=clientCreatedTime<=1484726399999

Which is what lead me to originally believe that you used the filter query param multiple times. However, as a dev here corrected me, the filter param is used only once, even with compound filter expressions. The correct version of the URL is:{my merchant id}/orders?access_token={redacted}&limit=1000&expand=lineItems&filter=clientCreatedTime%3E=1484640000000&clientCreatedTime%3C=1484726399999

Although, I have issues with that statement also, because when I run the above "correct" query, what I actually get back is all orders since the start date up to the present date, but I'll bug that separately.

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