
adil avatar image
adil asked josh31212edwed answered Not installing the apps in the emulator.

Iam using python 2.5

when i try to run it immediately opens a terminal window and closes instantly.

no success message, no progress bars.

apps arent shown in the emulator either.

how can i fix this ?

environment details:

windows 10.

clover flex 2md gen

had a problem with add-account -> clover , it was showing [stg] instead of [dev] so i looked at other threads in the forum and fixed it by downgrading the apk version of the clover engine to 2086.apk.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

This should be fixed, but we haven't updated the link yet, try downloading:

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adil avatar image adil David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

after installing 2086 it worked, now I can create the clover account in the emulator.

but the real problem is with running the python script to install the apps as I mentioned in the question body above.

please help.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

"Iam using python 2.5"

In this setup step, all Clover apps for merchants (such as Register, Orders, and Inventory) are installed by running a Python script. This script requires Python v3.5 or higher. Any of your apps installed to the test merchant you select will also be installed.
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adil avatar image adil commented ·

Dude i have already read the documentation,

Im asking why the pthin script isnt working ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ adil commented ·

I believe I just answered your question. You said you are using Python 2.5, our documentation clearly states that Python 3.5 or higher is required..

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adil avatar image adil David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Your script isnt working on python 3, Its only working on python 2.7.

The script isnt working on windows. had to manually change the script code to make it work in windows.

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kks avatar image
kks answered bryanvargas commented

@David Marginian

I'm having issues with the same problem; can you please direct me to a solution? I downgraded the apk version which helped me to create a clover account (2191 didn't work for me), but I'm still having the same issue running the script.

With Python 3.11, it immediately opens a terminal window and closes instantly, as the OP pointed out.

With Python 2.7, it complains about the Python version. I'm trying to fix the script but please let me know how to fix it or if there's another workaround

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

make sure you use the pip3 and python3 commands to install the required modules and run the script. urllib3 is a required module for the script.

Tutorial on emulator setup is found here:

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kcfdaniel avatar image
kcfdaniel answered


This is not how you execute a python script though :)

Do this instead:

on a Mac:

(python3 should already be installed)


on Windows:

Make sure you have installed python 3.


And could the maintainer of the clover doc update this please?

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nikki avatar image
nikki answered

URL Appreciate the thorough research in this article. Great job!

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harrybrook avatar image
harrybrook answered

The issue with not installing apps in the emulator could be due to using an outdated Python version (2.5). Consider upgrading to Python 3.7 or higher for better compatibility. Run the script from the command prompt to see error messages and ensure the emulator is running properly. Also, check that all dependencies are installed and compatible. If you downgraded the Clover engine APK, verify it doesn’t conflict with the installation process. For more help, you can refer to resources on the FC Mobile Soccer Game page.

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rohit avatar image
rohit answered

The immediate issue with is compatibility with Python 2.5. It requires a newer version like Python 3.5 or later. Upgrading Python is crucial. Additionally, the Clover Engine downgrade might introduce unexpected behaviors. Consult the latest Clover documentation for potential solutions and recommended configurations. For the cloud storage app download TeraBox Mod APK Premium Unlocked.

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josh31212edwed avatar image
josh31212edwed answered

info is well

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josh31212edwed avatar image
josh31212edwed answered

<a href="">visa sponsor ship jobs</a>

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