
Trung Vo FastBoy avatar image
Trung Vo FastBoy asked David Marginian edited

Clover Mini/Flex wireless connection issue

Greeting, I'm from FastBoy Marketing, we provide POS solution and we strictly use Clover devices as the payment terminal solution for our customers. Currently we are facing some issue trying to connect our POS software (running on iPad) to the Network Pay Display on clover, we were unable to connect the 2 devices together at all. We also found that pinging from iPad to Clover not consistent even though both devices was connected to the same network. May you please tell us how the network works on Clover? is there any power saving features to turn off or is there any security policy that requires network connection to be turned of after sometime on the Clover. Finally, is there a way we can fix it for our customers?

Clover MiniClover Flex
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered Trung Vo FastBoy commented

"Is there any power saving features to turn off or is there any security policy that requires network connection to be turned of after sometime on the Clover."

No and No.

You haven't provided much information, and it really sounds like a problem with the network being unreliable.

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Trung Vo FastBoy avatar image Trung Vo FastBoy commented ·

Hi David,

Thank you for replying, what kind of information that I can provide in order to troubleshoot? I highly doubt that this is network issue, both devices are connected to their own AP, that means we provided our clients with a router just to connect the 2 devices so they can work separately from the guest's network. btw is there a way to read the connection log on clover device ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Trung Vo FastBoy commented ·

"we were unable to connect the 2 devices together at all."

I don't know what this means. You can start with providing the errors you are receiving and some context (is this the only integrator having the issue, how many integrators do you have, what is your App ID). SNPD is widely used so it is unlikely that this is something outside of a network issue. I suggest you do more analysis of the network on your end.

You don't have access to production device logs, you should have access to the POS logs which if you provided may be helpful. If you would like to provide the device serial numbers (in a moderators only comment) I can take a look.

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