
Trung Vo FastBoy avatar image
Trung Vo FastBoy asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Clover Mini/Flex wireless connection issue

Greeting, I'm from FastBoy Marketing, we provide POS solution and we strictly use Clover devices as the payment terminal solution for our customers. Currently we are facing some issue trying to connect our POS software (running on iPad) to the Network Pay Display on clover, we were unable to connect the 2 devices together at all. We also found that pinging from iPad to Clover not consistent even though both devices was connected to the same network. May you please tell us how the network works on Clover? is there any power saving features to turn off or is there any security policy that requires network connection to be turned of after sometime on the Clover. Finally, is there a way we can fix it for our customers?

Clover MiniClover Flex
10 |2000

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