
feba avatar image
feba asked David Marginian answered

POS Semi Integration with payment devices

Hi Community,

I need some guide about the possibilities of semi integration with the Clover payment devices from our java based POS, and also about the needs for a succesfull development.

I have read in other post, that for Clover Flex is not possible of semi integration, but is an old post. Does this issue have been solved?

Is there any contact by mail with the clover team to solve integration problems? Obviously apart from this platform and its community?

Thank you in advanced, for you help.

Clover Minisemi-integrationsClover FlexDeveloper Pay API
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

You can read more about semi-integrations here - We don't currently have a Java SDK, we used to but it has been deprecated. Yes, you can integrate with a Flex via Secure Network Pay Display. You can always send emails to our developer relations team at or

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