
shail avatar image
shail asked haryy answered

I am not able to login to Clover dashboard

I have my client login credentials.

I am trying to log in to the dashboard (it sends a verification text code ) that code is shared by my client in a few seconds to enter the verification code but it says "Two Factor code expired Please request another code and try again".

The client also faces the same issue while login into the dashboard account.

Please let me know how can we log in to the dashboard.

Also if possible can we get rid of the two-factor login process for some time.


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1 Answer

haryy avatar image
haryy answered

You can try the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Request a new verification code and enter it as soon as you receive it.
  2. Ensure there are no delays in receiving the code; try using a different phone number if possible.
  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies or try using an incognito mode.
  4. If the issue persists, contact Clover support to check if there are any ongoing system issues.

Regarding disabling two-factor authentication, it’s usually required for security purposes, but you can check with Clover support if any temporary alternatives are available.

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