
shail avatar image
shail asked pathofbuilding answered

I am not able to login to Clover dashboard

I have my client login credentials.

I am trying to log in to the dashboard (it sends a verification text code ) that code is shared by my client in a few seconds to enter the verification code but it says "Two Factor code expired Please request another code and try again".

The client also faces the same issue while login into the dashboard account.

Please let me know how can we log in to the dashboard.

Also if possible can we get rid of the two-factor login process for some time.


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

You are trying to login to a production merchant dashboard? If so, I suggest your merchant contact Clover support.

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shail avatar image shail commented ·

Please share the merchant contact clover support email.

I will share it with the client.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ shail commented ·

The merchant can find that by opening the help app on the device.

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pathofbuilding avatar image
pathofbuilding answered

If you're having trouble logging into the Clover dashboard due to expired two-factor authentication (2FA) codes, try entering the code immediately after receiving it, ensuring your device's time is correctly synced, and requesting a fresh code instead of reusing an old one. Switching to a different browser or device may also help. If the issue persists, contacting Clover Support is the best option, as temporarily disabling 2FA might not be possible. For optimizing performance and troubleshooting, tools like Path of Building can be useful in analyzing complex system behaviors and improving efficiency.

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