
krish avatar image
krish asked krish commented

Which API/SDK i need to use?

Hi There,

I have an android app and i have clover developer kit (mini). My app sales some item and i have final amount to be changed.

Once order is ready in my app, i want to use clover to process my payment ( using credit card DIP/swipe/TAP/NFC) .

My app will provide amount , and unique id for order .

Now i want to know which api from android clover SDK my app should use to process the payment using clover hardware and my app? Will my app install on cover device ? Will i have to upload my app on clover marketplace ? Or if you can suggest a possible flow to be used ?

Any help in this regard will be appreciated.

Clover Android SDK
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered krish commented

You will use our Clover Connector/Remote Pay Android SDK:

Information on approval etc. for semi integrations can be found here:

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krish avatar image krish commented ·

Hi David,

Thanks for the information. I was going through link and did not understand the point, if my app is running on clover mini, why do i need USB connector ?

Should there not be direct api to create connection ?



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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ krish commented ·

Yes, you did not specify your app would be running natively on a Clover device. For native integrations take a look at Payment Connector - Your other option would be to fire intents.

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krish avatar image krish David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks David,

If i am not wrong , developer kit (mini ) is something where i can run my app ? IF that correct ?


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