I want to automate my own business for personal usage. Is it required to create and publish an app to the marketplace if I want to be notified when a new order was placed via the rest API?
I want to automate my own business for personal usage. Is it required to create and publish an app to the marketplace if I want to be notified when a new order was placed via the rest API?
I am not sure what you have in mind for your app (native Android app, webhooks) but to be notified that a new order is placed you will likely need a Clover app. However, it doesn't have to be published - we have the concept of private apps. However, your app will need to go through our approval process - https://docs.clover.com/docs/developer-app-approval.
@David Marginian I want to connect it to google sheets, so that the sales from my restaurant goes straight to google sheets in real time. Does that require approval or making an app?
How real-time does it need to be? There are two approaches:
1) Webhooks - Webhooks are hooks from our server to your server that fire when certain events occur (order created). To use Webhooks you must have a Clover app.
2) API Polling - You could also just poll our API (every 5-10 minutes) for new orders. This approach would not require a Clover App (you can use merchant tokens).
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