If an access_token is expired, during offline access,
- What is the error returned while making an api call with an expired access_token?
- How to refresh the access_token?
If an access_token is expired, during offline access,
Expired access_tokens will return a 401 Unauthorized
and a new one can be generated by following our OAuth protocol.
Specifically, by making a GET request to https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/oauth/token?client_id={appId}&client_secret={appSecret}&code={codeUrlParam}
the OAuth protocol says the following: If a merchant visits your website and the request does not contain a code , redirect them to https://www.clover.com/oauth/authorize
I don't have a code, as I'm accessing offline - (eg: on a webhook event) and at this point I don't have the merchant to redirect them to and get the new code (and eventually get the new access_token
Can I persist the code which I get first time and use it while refreshing the access_token?
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