
ntlygens avatar image
ntlygens asked ntlygens commented

how to obtain oauth token from webpage xmlhttprequest

I have a website that I'd like to have list the items from my merchant's inventory.

How do I retrieve the auth_token and use said token to access the API and retrieve my results? I've gone through the Docs over and over to no avail. I keep getting 401 errors.

!!Please help!!

Calling "/oauth/token?" from Single page AngularJs Web App.

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ntlygens avatar image ntlygens commented ·

Hi Ive not gotten the code I'm not getting the response param for the code. My call is sent as the user enters the website using http get "" just as is.

Is this correct? Ive spent days on this.

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ntlygens avatar image ntlygens commented ·

My flow is as follows:

User hits website. Http request is sent using GET to '' I dont get a response code. Only get code if i Click on the app in my merchant development window. Would like to get/generate response code on user entering the website and have inventory iterated/a json response, when button clicked for API query

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