I am building a webapp that will need to access Clover without having an actual employee.
My initial plan was to allow the merchant to create a login for the web app and then enter that login in the configuration page. The webapp would store that login and use that login for all actions. The problem I am seeing with this is that it is not obvious to me how the merchant will create a login. I see that the merchant could create an employee with a PIN, but this appears to me to be different than a login that can be used to perform an OAUTH authentication. I do not actually see how to create the login. Also I am not particularly fond of this method as it will require the merchant to perform some technical steps. Is this possible or even a desirable process to follow?
Alternatively, I would create a "webapp" employee as part of the initial configuration using the REST API. Again, I can see how to create the employee, but not the associated Login. I looked in both V2 and V3 API. Is there a method for this?
If there is not a REST API method, does this mean that I really need to use the merchant API Tokens method?