
vishal388 avatar image
vishal388 asked vishal388 commented

Error in verify signature after one transaction

I am running into this issue constantly these days. Once I have successful sale transaction with signature verified, any subsequent transaction I attempt fails after signature verify state.

This is what I see in console for the error message:

Message: {"attachment":null,"attachmentEncoding":null,"attachmentUri":null,"authentication":null,"directed":false,"fragmentIndex":null,"id":"1724","lastFragment":null,"method":"REMOTE_ERROR","packageName":"com.clover.remote.protocol.websocket","payload":"{\"errorMessage\":\"Payment not found in current order, cannot process signature verification\",\"method\":\"REMOTE_ERROR\",\"version\":1}","remoteApplicationID":"com.clover.remote.protocol.websocket:1.0-356","remotePayCompatibilityVersion":1,"remoteSourceSDK":"com.clover.internal.apps","type":"COMMAND","version":2}.

How do I recover the device from this error. Once I close my browser window and redo, it will work first time and again same loop of error.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered vishal388 commented

I assume you are using Remote Pay Cloud? What environment are you seeing this in? Can you provide a device serial number and payment id (clover or external)?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered vishal388 commented

"I am building new listener every request as each request may different processing on sale response."

Why you need to do this isn't clear to me. The safest thing to do would be to create a single listener when you initialize the connection. Regardless, there are remove listener functions on the CloverConnector.

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