
saru-fivestars avatar image
saru-fivestars asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

how to determine what version of a clover app a device is running remotely or via API?

We have a few devices where the payment app is crashing. As it's not every installation, we would lie to determine if it's an "our app/ clover App version" issue.

Do all devices run the same version of the pay app, or could there be differences in the field. (all crashes are reported on station 2018)

How to determine programmatically what version of a clover a device is running.. being clear, I am talking about the clover app and not our app.

Is there a library where e latest and older versions of the clover app can be downloaded and sideloaded onto sandbox devices to allow us to reproduce the issue?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Not all merchants run the same version of the pay app (for example there are merchant groups etc. that may specify older versions of our apps, or more commonly, during the rollout of an update one merchant may have been updated where as another merchant may not be updated for a few days), but for a given merchant it should generally be the same (assuming all of the devices have had time to update). Unfortunately, in these cases you will have to contact devrel. I don't believe we have a public API to give you this information. We also don't provide older versions of our apks for ou to consume in this way.

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