
Alexey avatar image
Alexey asked bsharts commented

Problems with tax calculating

Hello, I faced a problem with online ordering.

We trying to test some taxes for online orders and probably can't find a way to calculate it right.

For example: There is an order with total 11.01 But the item in this order costs 10.00 and applied tax 10%. After creating order and paying for it 11$ we see that it's not enough to make order fully paid.


order result

Order item:

order item

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bsharts avatar image bsharts commented ·
How do you get the two tax rates?
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Dan avatar image
Dan answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

Basically, the tax from each of the two tax rates relevant to the line item is being calculated and rounded separately. In this specific case, we have:

An lineitem with a unitprice of 1000 and two tax rates, one for 0.06755% and another for 0.0325%.

This results in tax amounts of 68 (67.55 rounds up) cents and 33 (32.5 rounds up) cents respectively.

Therefore the total is 1000 + 68 + 33 => 1101

This becomes more complicated when there are multiple line items with the same tax rate and discounts.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Great answer!

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bsharts avatar image
bsharts answered bsharts published
How do you get the two tax rates?
10 |2000

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