
lhb avatar image
lhb asked lhb commented

iframe CARD_POSTAL_CODE placeholder

I see that this same question was asked almost a year ago here:

I could not find any update or documentation indicating that this has been improved. Has there been any progress on this issue? Ideally it would say Zip/Postal Code or something that supports both US and CAN billing addresses.

Edit: I should add that the clover iframe features page shows this image but no instructions on how to modify the placeholder.


1615489935432.png (35.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered lhb commented

Unfortunately, I do not see an update on the ticket I created. I just added a comment on it to see if we can get an update.

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lhb avatar image lhb commented ·

Great thanks!

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