
hergy80 avatar image
hergy80 asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

REST API Returns

Is there a list of returns from various features of the REST API? Like cardTransaction->type from the payment endpoint. What are the possible return values? Along with other returned values, it seems like there are set values but I cannot find any listing of them.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered hergy80 commented

There is no public listing/description of cardTransaction->type, what is in the REST API docs is all we have.

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hergy80 avatar image hergy80 commented ·

So on the Get All Payments (/v3/merchants/mid/payments) element->result, we will just have to continually trial and error a list of results to distinguish if it was accepted, voided, etc?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

I don't understand the relationship between not knowing the possibly values for type, and having to continously poll an endpoint. What are you trying to do?

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hergy80 avatar image hergy80 commented ·

You have an endpoint that returns fields with set string answers. But you don't tell us using the API what those returned values are. How are we supposed to utilize that data conditionally if we don't know what it is? How do I even know if that field will be relevant to what we are doing?

Example: You don't open any batch data, so we have to reconcile the deposit somehow. I'm polling the REST All Payments for all the payments within a time period. Those items returned may be voided, some may have refunds, etc. So far that "result" field has a "SUCCESS", "FAIL" and "VOIDED" response that I've seen from polling and testing so far, which will impact how we deal with that element that was returned. But will it also be a "REFUND" etc? Who knows? Apparently no one. I'm not sure if I can use this for the reconcile logic because the documentation is lazily put together. To determine if the amount processed on that element is relevant to my reconciling, I need to know how it was processed, if it was refunded, if it was voided, etc. But I cannot determine that with half assed documentation. The CardTransaction->type was an example. Was it just an AUTHorization, or maybe it was a sale. Who knows what this field will return. Can I use that for my purposes? Don't know because no where does it say what all it will possibly return.

So how should I determine the amount that will be deposited so that I can compare to ensure there isn't any discrepancies? I honestly can even comprehend how this isn't already a feature.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ hergy80 commented ·

You are clearly frustrated and I don't disagree with your complaints. Yes, our documentation needs work, I understand that. I am still not clear on the problem you are trying to solve. That is something that I can help you solve, I can't fix our documentation right now. Are you trying to determine if a payment has been closed out?

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hergy80 avatar image hergy80 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I need to know what the batch deposit will be at the end of the night. All I can determine is that I will poll all the payments. But the information returned from the endpoint can be failed transaction, refunds, voids, auths, etc. I need to be able to distinguish them from one another so that I can get a total deposit for the night so it can be reconciled with what the POS thinks it should be.

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