
ezpays avatar image
ezpays asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Why doesn't the Curl work for pay API?

When I use curl in php for usage pay API, it is always returned "message":"Invalid order ID"

I tested it with params, without params, and also raw(plain/text), x-www-form-urlencoded.

At postman, when I call pay API directly, it is showed "SUCCESS". But using curl on my website, it is always failed. It can be said the trust API?

Developer Pay API
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

If your call works from Postman then from the Postman UI select the "Code" link (orange link, to the far right of the page) and that will give you a valid curl for the request you are making.

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