
Ashutosh Bajpay avatar image
Ashutosh Bajpay Suspended asked pst answered

Can we keep payment token, got through Developer Pay API, on third party server and access via third party API for making payments in installments?


We are developing an application for clover devices. Sole purpose of this application is allow making payments in installments. Initially we tried to implement third party API but clover refused to accept this.

So now we are trying to use clover Pay API to achieve this. First time user will provide his credit card details and using Pay API we will pay first installment amount and keep payment token at merchant third party server for subsequent installment payment at later dates.

I just want to confirm if this is fine with clover's payment regulations guidelines. Also I want to know if there is any expiry date on payment token?
Developer Pay API
1 comment
10 |2000

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Jonathan Ryan Grice avatar image Jonathan Ryan Grice commented ·

There was a notice to developers about generated tokens. Quick read available

However, to answer your question, tokens expire in 1 year from generation.

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1 Answer

pst avatar image
pst answered
@Ashutosh: I am doing what you are describing with my third party Point of Sale app.. the key here is to make sure that the merchant account is set up with FirstData TransArmor MULTI-PAY tokens. Then when you use Clovers Developer Pay API (or any other FirstData API with TransArmor, such as Payeezy for instance) the multi-pay token you originally retrieved is reusable across all TransArmor MultiPay services.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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