
jcharrington avatar image
jcharrington asked jcharrington commented

When using Developer Pay, how can we void payments when either CVV or AVS fails?

We're using the Developer Pay API and would like to void credit card transactions where either the "avsResult" or "cvvResult" fails according to the tests we've defined. For example, we'd like to void a payment when the "avsResult" comes back as "NEITHER_MATCH", such as this response:

    "authCode": "******",
    "avsResult": "NEITHER_MATCH",
    "cvvResult": "SUCCESS",
    "paymentId": "*************",
    "result": "APPROVED",
    "token": "*************"

Is there any way to either (a) void these "APPROVED" transactions or (b) cause these transactions to return to be "DECLINED"?
Developer Pay API
10 |2000

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