
hergy80 avatar image
hergy80 asked hergy80 commented

REST API Non-closed payments

I have a semi-integrated mini that we'd like to use the REST API to poll the totals for the current batch of payments that haven't closed yet, but I cannot find an endpoint for totals or a filter to match using a current endpoint. I can use a date match, but thought it would be better if an actual tool existed in case there is a small time discrepancy between the actual close out and any sales around the time it auto closes the batch.

I'm only using the REST API since other posts have mentioned the remotepay through the mini is just meant for payments. If there is a way to request the info from the sdk, I could use that as well.

REST APIsemi-integrations
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered hergy80 commented

You are using the REST API from your remote POS? The RemotePay SDK does not offer any API. You would have to use the REST API and query for payments. We also don't expose any of our batch APIs.

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hergy80 avatar image hergy80 commented ·

It's an inhouse project. We have a semi-integrated setup we use the remotepay sdk for our POS connected to a couple minis for instore sales. Then have an app to access payment information and we were going to use for the developer pay api. We currently have a separate gateway we process phone/internet orders through, but want to consolidate. Now, we are looking at changing to the ecommerce api, but still need some reporting features that are only accessible from the REST API.

We need a way to reconcile at the end of the day the totals that will be deposited since daily reports are used for bookkeeping. This is where batch information would be important. Currently we are printing batch totals from the mini and manually entering them, but this creates situations of potential user input errors. This is a double check to ensure that batch totals match sales, in case of situations like POS crashes, employee errors, etc.

I guess the only option is the poll all the payments for a date range and hope we don't have any timing issues.

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