
fms avatar image
fms asked fms commented

Inventory fetching issues when moving the application from Sandbox to Production for approval

We have an application in the Sandbox and we fetch the Orders via API.

It works fine in the Sandbox environment but having an issue when we move that to Production for submitting for approval.

Is there any test API credentials for testing the app in the Production environment?

Please advise.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered fms commented

What is the actual issue? When you create a developer account in production it is similar to sandbox. You will have a test account that you can use.

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fms avatar image fms commented ·

We are creating a Product on our application and it is adding it to the Production Test Merchant Account but when we try to fetch the Stock then it is not allowing it.

Is there anything specific we need to enable or a different way we need to do this than Sandbox env?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ fms commented ·

What does not allowing it mean?

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fms avatar image fms David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I am sorry, I will send you the actual error we are receiving.

So you will get more idea.

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