
ablecommerce avatar image
ablecommerce asked wimenag6 answered

Create App on Live only Shows Canada

Hello All,

We're super excited to be working with Clover, the API has been a good experience so far.

Just moved from Sandbox to Live and when trying to create the application 'United States' isn't available for selection. 'Countries this app will be available in " Only Shows Canada and United States is greyed out.

Thank you and have a great weekend!


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ablecommerce avatar image
ablecommerce answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Hi David,

Thanks for the reply!

I logged out and back in with Chrome. Closed Chrome down and tried again. Also tried Firefox but Canada is still the only available option.



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ablecommerce avatar image
ablecommerce answered

Thanks, David. I'll give that a try.

My developer must have figured that out in the sandbox. Guess I should stick to sales and marketing!

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brandon698sherrick avatar image
brandon698sherrick answered

Hello Kynect@AbleCommerce,

It’s great to hear that you’ve had a good experience with the Clover API so far. Regarding the issue you’re facing with the ‘United States’ option being greyed out when trying to create your application in the live environment, this could be due to a few reasons.

Clover provides its REST API at separate base URLs in the production environment for each of its supported markets. If there are region-specific restrictions or settings that need to be configured, this might affect the availability of certain options.

Ensure that your developer account is set up correctly for North America, which includes both the United States and Canada. You should be able to access both the sandbox and production environments on the Global Developer Dashboard.

Sometimes, temporary glitches can cause options to be greyed out. It might be helpful to try again after some time or use a different browser to see if the issue persists.

If none of these suggestions resolve the issue, I recommend reaching out to Clover’s support team for assistance. They would be able to provide more specific guidance based on your account and the current status of the Clover platform.

Best Regards,

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wimenag6 avatar image
wimenag6 answered

Creating an app that exclusively shows content from Canada can be a unique and exciting venture, offering users a focused and culturally rich experience. To build such an app you'll need to curate a diverse range of Canadian content, including television shows, movies, news, and possibly live sports. Ensure that you comply with broadcasting and licensing regulations to stream Canadian content legally. Additionally, integrating features like regional filters, bilingual options (English and French), and user-friendly navigation will enhance the app's appeal. Highlighting local Canadian talent and productions can also attract a dedicated user base looking to explore and enjoy Canada's rich entertainment landscape.

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