
leojaimes avatar image
leojaimes asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Develop Android/IOS that only runs clover's rest api

Is it possible to develop an app (Android / IOS) that only makes requests to the REST API that works like Dashboard (inside a Clover Device) of another mobile application that is executed outside the environment of a Clover Device ? I have already developed the presentation layer of both apps

Thank you in advance

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

The Rest API can of course be used remotely. However, we probably don't publicly expose all of the endpoints used by our dashboard.

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leojaimes avatar image
leojaimes answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Hi David, Thank you for you reply.

In the flow that we have designed, we have a mobile android application (smartphone) that will be used by the user who wants to make a reservation.

The mobile client (smartphone) must log in and select a merchant from the list of merchants that have given permissions to the Bar Owner Application.
Then the customer can generate an order for items and make the payment in favor of the merchant.

I plan to develop a backend for authentication to be performed by calling the REST API and delivering the authentication token to the customer mobile app

What would be the authentication flow for a mobile app so that a customer can access the inventory of a specific merchant from a merchant list and place an order through the Clover REST API?

Thank you in advance.

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leojaimes avatar image
leojaimes answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

In the documentation that you share it is evident that a WebViewActivity must be created.

Where I have the following code

String url = "" +

"? client_id =" + Config.APP_ID +

"& response_type = token" +

"& redirect_uri =" + Config.APP_DOMAIN;

It is assumed that the WebViewActivy will make a request to Clover Station API and the Merchant will have to Sign In to deliver to my Web APP its Merchant_ID, the client_id and the authorization code in the redirec_uri{[[AUTHORIZATION_CODE}

And then a request should be made to{[[AUTHORIZATION_CODE}

This is correct?

Does the merchant have to sign in to authorize?

The Customer use case is different, is there a way to make the Customer get the token?

For example: When the Merchante authorizes the app, can I save the merchantId and AUTHORIZATION_CODE in my own database and then use them to obtain the API_TOKEN?

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10 |2000

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