
rafiq avatar image
rafiq asked David Marginian commented

How to start with PHP integration

I can't see any recent php sdk in the market. I am trying to use though updated around 3 years ago.

Is this ok or any preferences?

BTW, finally I need to push the employee record to execupay payroll ( Please assist how I can move forward.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

It isn't clear to me what you want to do. WIth PHP you will be using our REST API, here are some links: - Information on using our REST API - I would suggest reading through this page and the sub-pages. - App market, app approvals, etc.

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rafiq avatar image
rafiq answered David Marginian commented

Sorry. I was searching about... can I get any php package? and 2nd thing only android apps supported to upload in the app store? Or I can create web application like and create in the clover app store.


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

No PHP SDKs/packages are available. Yes, web apps can be made available in the app store.

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