
carolyn avatar image
carolyn asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Clover Calc Sales Tax Higher than what's due

We recently switched over to Clover from another system and I have a couple issues:

Filing Sales Tax: Amount due (based on gross, wholesale and net) are consistently lower than the amount Clover calculates as collected.

Tax exempt orgs: When filing sales tax we deduct amounts sold wholesale as well as to tax exempt organizations. We can identify the wholesale, however, there is no report to identify the tax exempt organizations. I suspect that Clover rolls them into a total somewhere.

I've called tech support and customer service several times on this and no one seems to know anything. Please help.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

How are the orders in question being created? Can you provide us with a few order ids to look at? Please submit the order ids in a private post -

Tax exempt orgs: When filing sales tax we deduct amounts sold wholesale as well as to tax exempt organizations. We can identify the wholesale, however, there is no report to identify the tax exempt organizations. I suspect that Clover rolls them into a total somewhere.

This isn't quite clear to me. You have both wholesaler and tax exempt customers. You are saying that you can "identify" wholesale customers? How exactly are you doing this and how would you like to or expect to identify tax exempt customers?

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