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Sean asked sam Deactivated commented

Geting variant items

Hi, I'm having trouble on getting variant items from Clover Web API. That item with variants was created by a Clover Sandbox Android Device using an emulator. After creation, I can see that each item variants are listed as a single product in the web dashboard. Their relation however, cannot be seen. Other than their first name are similar, I can't see anything that grouped them together. Thus comes my problem, how do I get those items from the web API as a variant product ?

This is the case: I created a variant item in Clover Sandbox Device. Checked if it's actually uploaded to Clover, by looking at the web dashboard. Now on my web app, there's a button to import all products from Clover. On click, it will send item requests to Clover with offset and limit as additional arguments. From that request, I have already received item objects. Sadly, I can't identify which of those item objects are actually a variant items and which is related to the other.

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