
Sean avatar image
Sean asked Sean commented

Updating items of an item group

I'm trying to update an item of an item group. I tried to retrieve that item group with it's items and attributes (GET), changed the price value of one of the items, and re-posted it (POST). But it seems that it didn't work.

I'm wondering whether it's possible or not to do this.

Or do I have to update them separately by using:/v3/merchants/{mId}/items/{itemId} ?

GET /v3/merchants/{mId}/item_groups/{itemGroupId}/?expand=items,attributes

POST /v3/merchants/{mId}/item_groups/{itemGroupId}/?expand=items

return string(783) "{"id": "DWJ1X0KAEBDA0", "name": "Bandana", "items": {"elements": [ {"id": "Q5H3BT6DG42PG", "hidden": false, "itemGroup": {"id": "DWJ1X0KAEBDA0"}, "name": "Bandana black", "alternateName": "", "code": "", "price": 20, "priceType": "PER_UNIT", "defaultTaxRates": true, "unitName": "item", "cost": 15, "isRevenue": true, "stockCount": 100, "modifiedTime": 1478159579000}, {"id": "QTGWX2RKKZPWY", "hidden": false, "itemGroup": {"id": "DWJ1X0KAEBDA0"}, "name": "Bandana white", "alternateName": "", "code": "", "price"...

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