
brokenoval avatar image
brokenoval asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Does Default Employee work Everywhere?

A previous question stated that when applying a payment to an order, on Production it defaults to use the "owner" empployee and on Sandbox it uses "DFLTEMPLOYEE".

My problem is that if defaulting to the Owner on production it risks adding the owner name, phone number etc to the receipt.

I am considering using DFLTEMPLOYEE when it's not possible to access an employee for an order. Does this default work in the following sceanarios:

- Does this default work for all types of merchant plans (payments plus, register and reg lite)?

- Does this work on all environments (sandbox, prod and


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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·
My problem is that if defaulting to the Owner on production it risks adding the owner name, phone number etc to the receipt.

We don't ever add employee phone number to a receipt. Name is added. I agree it feels like there are cases where that's not desirable, but that's how it works today.

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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered brokenoval commented

The default employee is not available if the owner/admin disables it. They choose during setup whether to enable it and may chose to enable/disable it at any time by going to the Employees app > Settings. So you cannot assume that the employee with id DFLTEMPLOYEE will always be there.

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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·

Thanks Jacob. At the moment if I pass a gibberish when applying a payment to an order it will default back to the Owner Id. If the DEFLTEMPLOYEE is disabled, and I pass it up anyway, will it revert back to the Owner Id as default? Is this behaviour intentional or is it likely to be removed?

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