
romany avatar image
romany asked David Marginian edited

Is it possible to connect Clover Flex to POS programs developed with Delphi XE?

I am using a POS program that runs on Windows developed with Delphi.

We will develop to connect Clover Flex.

However, since the development example file is in C #, it is impossible to check whether it can be connected to POS developed in Delphi.




Should I use the above DLL?

Is there any example file created in Delphi?

Or is it possible to connect to Clover Flex using API?

clover developer communityClover FlexDeveloper Pay API
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Our Remote Pay SDKs do not directly/officially support Delphi. There may be some ways to get it to work, but once again, we do not support it. There are a few posts in this forum if you search for "Delphi".

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