I've been working with the Clover Platform API to get payment JSON data with info such as the CC last4, transaction amount, transaction ID, etc.
Our Clover devices are all Clover Flex 3's. It has a simple 'Sale' app pre-installed that makes payments, and then I can make GET requests to them in my C# code via the Platform API. For example:
GET https://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/{mId}/payments/
My question is whether or not I can get cardholder names automatically from the card that the customer uses during the transaction. Right now, in the JSON response, the customer's name will usually show up as "VISA CARDHOLDER" unless the customer is explicitly added to the Customer app on the Flex 3. That would be fine, but we are just trying to make the customer do as little input as possible, while still getting the data we need to give them credit for the donations.
If this is not possible with the Sale app, are there any other alternatives, to automatically get the name of the cardholder without the customer needing to be added to the customer app?
Thank you,