
sean27 avatar image
sean27 asked sean27 edited

Processing Remote Payments

I have a few questions regarding processing remote payments (i.e. from a consumer mobile device) using Clover.

1. The “Build Payment Solutions” guide from the documentation - ( - seems to be out of date with regard to the API reference. Given this, what are the best practices for processing a remote payment using a Clover POS system with the current API?

2. Can one use Apple Pay or Google Pay to process a remote payment, and if so, how does that process differ from the one above.

REST APIApp MarketDeveloper Pay API
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Developer pay is for card not present transactions. It sounds like you want card present via the Clover device. We call this a semi-integration, you can read more here - Yes, our devices take Apple/Google pay.

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sean27 avatar image sean27 commented ·

Thanks for the quick response! We're intending for a customer to pay from their mobile device as if it were an in-app purchase (not using NFC technology). Essentially we want to use Apple Pay or Google Pay to pass a customer's payment information to Clover's default payment processor. Our question is twofold: can we use Apple Pay and Google Pay in this way, and is there updated API documentation for interacting with the payment processor?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ sean27 commented ·

Okay I understand now. I will have to look into the options that are available and get back with you.

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sean27 avatar image sean27 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David, have you found any information or resources for processing remote payments with Clover?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered sean27 commented

Hi Sean. I followed up with our payment folks. This is something we do not currently support. It is in our plans but I cannot provide you with an ETA at this time.

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sean27 avatar image sean27 commented ·

Thanks for letting us know David. Does this negate your previous comment that our application should be using RapidConnect? Would we be able to use RapidConnect in our application to process the remote payments as described? Additionally, is RapidConnect just Clover’s preferred third-party processor, or what exactly is the relationship between Clover and RapidConnect?

Also, the developer pay API seems to detail instructions for processing payments in the way we intend, but it seems to be out of date (v2 instead of v3). Was our use-case previously feasible, or are we misunderstanding the API documentation?

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