
aashishtanwar avatar image
aashishtanwar asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Unable to print order with clover mini with displayOrder method


We have created web application where we are using Multiple inventory items which is created in sandbox for making order.

On sale request we are

var amount = parseInt($('input.payment_amount').val());
var item = new clover.order.DisplayLineItem();
item.setName('Test Item');
item.setPrice(amount * 100);
var order = new clover.order.Order();
order.setTitle("Hi Trent");
order.setTotal(amount * 100);

When we create sales request from connected clover device at the same time we are creating order and adding line items to it but on success of payment it does not shows to print receipt and also does not goes to kitchen printer as well.

How can we print itemized items on clover mini with showDisplayOrder ?

Please help us out we were stuck in this from last month.

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