
rhyshintmd avatar image
rhyshintmd asked David Marginian commented

Codelab: verifying signature message does not show up and does not let merchant approve/disapprove

I was following the codelab ->

After signing the customer name on the clover mini, it shows the verifying payment method instead of verifying signature and the event to show signature canvass does not show up in the web. The settings for the signature in the mini is already the same as described in the tutorial.

I think because of that, the canvass that was added to the tutorial page to show the signature online is also not showing.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

There are a few challenges that can appear before the signature verification. I am guessing you are running into the duplicate challenge. Please see - for some information on working with challenges. You can also use setAutoAcceptPaymentConfirmations on the SaleRequest to automatically accept duplicate and offline challenges.

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