
ndunsmore avatar image
ndunsmore asked lisalm edited

Cisco Configuration

I have cisco as my network. I have my printer and flex on the wifi but they cannot see each other on my cisco network. But I do the same on my google wifi and mobile hot spot and it works fine and I can print to each other.

WHat needs to be configured on my cisco network to make this work? Do the devices use unicast to find the printer?

Clover FlexPrint
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1 Answer

Christian Terrill avatar image
Christian Terrill answered

We have also been having a bit of a problem getting the Clover Flex’s configured with the Star Printers (STAR SP742ML Kitchen Printer) on our network.

For some reason, Cisco network equipment does not recognise the Star printers as equipment to which Cisco can assign an address to using DHCP. This means that they require static addresses to be configured. This is fine (instructions here:, but what it doesn’t help with is the fact that the Clover Flex’s do not see the printers on the Cisco network even when configured with the static IP address.

Our workaround was to put a flex and the printer onto a new temporary network running off a Netgear router. We used the same IP address range, and set up the printer on the flex. Once this was done, we put the devices back onto the Cisco network and it was then easy to configure additional flex’s to print to the Star Printer.

This is really not a great way to work with these devices, and it would be beneficial if Clover could look into the cause of this issue.

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