
wjalong avatar image
wjalong asked Emily L answered

Rest Pay Display 401

1659474071225.png1659474212796.pngI sent a request to my device, but it's always 401, Another request can receive a response using the same authorization

REST APIAPI TokenDeveloper Pay API
1659474071225.png (62.7 KiB)
1659474212796.png (90.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Emily L avatar image
Emily L answered

If the same access token works for standard REST API requests and not REST Pay API requests, you may be using a merchant-generated token. Our REST Pay API only accepts OAuth-generated access tokens to authorize requests. We provide more information on using OAuth in our docs:

Or, if you are already using an OAuth-generated token, we have more troubleshooting steps for 401 errors here:

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