
trunga avatar image
trunga asked terrol answered

Custom Software Developer Referrals

Does Clover have a software developer referral network where if a retailer needs custom software development, clover can make a referral to a custom software developer

App Market
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csiworks avatar image
csiworks answered

Clover Does not have referral network. Each ISV sort of develops its own by letting everyone know that they are interested in Custom Software Development work and then agents will refer to that ISV the projects they think will be interesting.

CSI Works does ask for custom software development referrals from its network of agents. For example: while meeting with Clover agents at a trade show for Bars and Night Clubs in 2019, we heard the agent tell us that he always wanted to have a certain app. This is a story how Tip Jar was born...

- Also from what I understand you may even be able to setup referral fee with agents as long as they are not FD Employees. Agents that are independent like ISO.

Moderators please confirm if what we wrote here is correct!

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trunga avatar image
trunga answered csiworks commented

How are agents reached via email and/ or cold calling and/or social media networking?

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csiworks avatar image csiworks commented ·

Yes to all that you've listed,

Plus agents have demo units for Clover app market. They install apps, and that must be the start of the conversation with agents.

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terrol avatar image
terrol answered

When our company decided to build on its Salesforce ecosystem, it inevitably needed developers who could plug customized solutions into the existing system. Some research led us to discover a platform that connects businesses with specialist Salesforce developers. The hiring process turned out to be easy, and the talent found surpassed the expectations of skill and efficiency. If any client was looking to consult for hiring Salesforce developers, Talmatic is a definite option to consider. The developers we worked with hugely simplified our processes and improved CRM functionality.

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